CPA Henry Miingi Kimani -BBA Accounting & Finance, CPA (K) – Board Member

CPA Henry Miingi Kimani -BBA Accounting & Finance, CPA (K) – Board Member

CPA Henry Kimani is currently the Head Loan Accounts in Agricultural Finance Corporation. He is an accomplished finance professional with extensive public service experience for over 28 years acquired in AFC Since joining the Corporation he has risen through the ranks of Account Assistant, Assistant Accountant, Accountant and Senior Accountant. He is also the Chairperson Audit committee and secretary Education of Ufanisi Savings and Credit Co-operative Society.

In Ufanisi DT Sacco ltd he has served over 3 years in Audit and education committees He holds a Degree in Accounting and Finance from the Kenya Methodist University. CPA Kimani is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of good standing of the Institute of Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (ICPAK).